There's been some interest in my muffin tin so I thought I'd supply some info about it. It's a vintage Ecko brand Ovenex Starburst pattern. Hubby bought it for two dollars at a garage sale and I got a second one for a similar price at a flea market. They were both very black. After Hubby used the one he bought to mold homemade lye soap it came out looking much nicer and brighter. I immediately confiscated it. It's the one I used for the challenge.
Saturday I felt the need for retail therapy so I went by a couple of my favorite stores. I found a matching starburst cookie sheet. I thought it would be cool for laying out necklaces until I saw the price--$27.00. Yikes! I like it, but not that much. They also had some commercial pans:
This one would be a tight fit in a standard oven.
This is a loaf pan. No way will it fit in a standard oven. This is what Marcy and I need for our big necklaces! Just kidding, Marcy. It is too big.
Here are a couple of the starburst tins on Etsy: here and here.
I did find some treasures. Here's a hint:
I picked up these two lovely necklaces--so small, just 15 inches.
And these three pair of earrings wanted to go home with me.
There were a few odds and ends:
And I got really excited over this:
It's very dirty, but it works. There's a cover that I didn't show in the photo. It's an Underwood Standard Portable Typewriter. I have to research to find out more. I love antique typewriters.
I don't know yet if the wooden spacer bar is original, or a repair.
Besides being in working condition one of the best things about it is that is weighs almost nothing. This means I can display it just about anywhere. I have a couple of very beautiful full size ones, plus several in not such good shape, and they all are quite heavy. I have to be careful where I put them.
Replacement ribbons are available and I will someday use this to type words for collage. I will probably also have to replace the patten; that's the rubber roller that the paper goes around. They tend to get very hard with age, so hard they can damage the keys.
What are your favorite vintage items?