Black swallowtails aren't nearly as shy as their tiger swallowtail cousins.
I did get some shots of a tiger swallowtail.
There were three family weddings this spring:
My niece Angela and Suhail married in New York.
My niece Sarah and Chris married in Cancun, Mexico.
And their mother Mary married Bobby in Texas after parachuting to the venue.
My nephew Daniel graduated from high school. Here my father helps him tie his tie.
My nephew Daniel graduated from high school. Here my father helps him tie his tie.
I think Dad's wondering if someone who can't tie a tie is ready to graduate.
We had the nosebleed seats.
Here he is afterwards with my parents.
The grand finale to the graduation:
Back home the garden is doing better than ever.
The Virginia Creeper leaves have already turned.
That's all for today!