Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Word for a Year

contemplation in the snow

Yesterday I discussed my yearly resolutions, or goals as I prefer to call them.  Last year I read blog posts by Christine Kane here  and here about using a word as a focus for a resolution.  Both these posts have a great explanation of the process and a list of words to jump start your thinking process.  In true ADD fashion I've procrastinated for a year and am finally ready to do this. Christine's current posts  are guest posts from people who did this and what happened in the past year.

So what do I want to concentrate on or do this year?  I want to get the studio up and running so I can have a place to work.  I want to make a lot of jewelry and some other art. On a personal level, I want to get rid of the clutter in the house.

What word will encompass these goals?   Right now I'm thinking of  these:

  • discipline
Just do it, get going, focus. This is the word that I'm favoring.

  • release
This word will help me let go of things that are getting in the way, like clutter and procrastination.

  • finish
I probably won't choose this one, but I need a word that will include this idea.  I want to finish what I start.  Some ventures are processes, like learning new technique for jewelry.  It's very important to me to do something with what I've learned though, so I need to think about this.

There's a free PDF file on Christine's site that is a short worksheet to help you choose your word.  It's called the "Word for the Year Discovery Tool." Check it out.

What word will you choose? Or if you aren't into "words", what goals and resolutions will you have for 2011?



Riki Schumacher said...

Hi Leslie! Thanks for entering the contest. My word would be PLAY. I don't do enough, and am going to balance it in. Good luck with yours. Take care, Riki

Leslie Todd said...

Thanks Riki!

jewish rings said...

Thanks Riki - Keep up the good work