Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Giving Back through Somaly Mam

One of the ways I like to spend profits from my jewelry business is in donating funds to worthy causes, or to micro-lending programs. I've posted several times about Kiva, a great micro-lending program, but today I'm posting about the Somaly Mam Foundation.

The Somaly Mam Foundation exists to combat the slave trade. Their stated vision is a world where human trafficking does not exist. Somaly Mam is also the name of a renowned Cambodian activist who was herself a child sex slave. Now she labors to free other children and young women from similar fates.

I make monthly donations to the foundation from my business account. You don't have to be wealthy; donations for as little as two dollars per month can be made, or you can make a one time donation. Check it out.

A book about Somaly Mam is available at Amazon.

My husband and I recently saw Taken at the theater. It's a very good action flick and a very sobering view of the sex slave trade. I'm glad I saw it after my nieces were safely back from their overseas trip.

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