Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bead Table Wednesday-Various Stages

I have a lot of pieces in progress on the bead table, some nearing completion and some not so near.

I haven't decided what to rivet onto the etched cuffs at the top yet. Most of the time when I etch the cuffs the background comes out rather matte, like the middle cuff.  I don't know how the other two cuffs got shiny.  It must be a different metal content since I etched them just like I always do. 

The twisty things are brass and copper bails.  The "queen" pendant lacks a couple of body parts but has the patina and the finish coat, as do the two spiral pendants beside her. I finished up the last batch of pearls and have some more in progress. 

Pawlie Newman is snuggled up in my lap impeding my typing. In a minute he'll tire of the typing and then he'll be on the bead table. 

Check out the other bead tables at:



you do beautiful work! and Pawlie is just too snuggable :)

Therese's Treasures said...

Leslie, I love what you have on your table. I want to etch metal so bad, but I just have not got up the nerve to do it yet.

Sharyl said...

I used to always do one piece at a time, but lately find I have bits of partially completed pieces all over my work table. At first I thought it a negative thing, but seeing others do it also, I think maybe there's a more positive spin I could give to it. I think I may be putting more thought into what I'm designing of late. (Probably all that bead soup I saw!) Your works in progress are lovely, Leslie!

Leslie Todd said...

Thanks, everyone!

Chelles said...

Loving those pendants! and your cute Siamese baby!

Lori Anderson said...

OH wow. I wish you'd just box all that goodness up and send it to me!!!

Silver Jewelry Jaipur said...

wow really its a fabulous post i loved it a lot and this is really a nice example of art just great and amazing

My Life Under the Bus said...

Awwww Paulie Newman! hahahaha that is fantastic!!!

Leslie Todd said...

Pawlie Newman got his name because of his eyes. Check out this photo: