Tuesday, June 30, 2009

4th of July at Canton Marketplace

My friend Martha and I started the Netsy Arts and Craft Guild a while back. We have a booth at Canton Marketplace (C122) that is anchored by the two of us, with other members of the guild joining in every month. Canton 1st Monday Trade Days takes place on first Monday weekends. Our booth is open Friday through Sunday on the weekend. July first Monday falls on the 4th of July weekend.

The building we're in is air conditioned and open from 8 to 8. The rest of Canton is mostly in non air-conditioned sheds over a large portion of the city. It's supposed to be in the 90 + degree range this weekend, so if you go to Canton, come to our nice air conditioned building. We also have a winery in the building so you can sip wine while you shop.

Everyone is having sales for the weekend. Here are some cards for my sale earrings that I made up:

Independance Day large earring card

I'll punch the holes for the earrings at different heights. One will go in her left ear and the other under her hand.

I used a graphic from a WWI war bonds poster. The original had a line across the bust that I managed to soften in Photoshop Elements. I guess the original poster had faded.

I use a lot of old Victorian photos for my Treasure Box earrings. They are popular with customers and I get good comments about them. I try to pick pictures that are funny or interesting. The earring cards are packaged in clear cello envelopes. It gives them a professional look.

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