Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Presentation Tuesday - Vintage1955

Presentation Tuesday, for those who missed my first post, deals with the art of presentation and packaging.  

I ordered some vintage typewriter keys from Vintage1955 on Etsy.  Here's the envelope:

Vintage 1955 envelope

I love the collaged envelope!  I don't know if she puts the typewriter on all her envelopes, or if this was coordinated with the keys I ordered. It's a fun piece of mail art.

The keys were nicely wrapped in a handmade sewn envelope:

the wrapping

Note the "thank you" tag complete with bow and brad. 

Here are all the items unwrapped.  Vintage1955 also added the commercial "L" and "T" letters as a freebie.  My initials!  How thoughtful.

the unveiling

It's so much fun to get an order wrapped like this. 


CraftyHope said...

Very cool! You can tell time, effort, and thought went into preparing your package.

Leslie Todd said...

Yes. It's certainly good customer service, and fun to get as well.